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BBC1 Songs of Praise

2nd March. Faith and Laughter 
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​Joy Carter is a British comedian, writer, actress and advocate for adoption & humour
'I  know what you are thinking... I bet she was born in Nigeria raised by white Missionaries  and brought up in Scunthorpe?  (north lincs) ' - yes you are right. 

Joy's miracle 'against all the odd's' life story has shaped her character, career and sense of FUN! from her stage shows to advocacy work. In 2008 Joy's humour was recognised when she was nominated for an Emma award in comedy and her career took off. Joy now boasts many TV, film and broadcasting credits to her name and is constantly challenging herself to be more.


Following a news interview for Channel 4 in 2006 about Madonna adopting black children suddenly Joy's life story went viral overnight reaching over 10 million people on channels such as BBC1, SKY, Channel 4 to name a few.  As the letters and emails poured in she realised there was so much more to humour and her life developed. Now Joy is now committed to using her voice to champion better outcomes for adopted children and adults, teaching people to use laughter fully and develop her comedic skills to push boundaries.


Joy engages and works with governments, organisations, charities, churches and business around the world. A joy unspeakable!



Faith in Kids Podcast. 5th March. Discussion about families, adoption and parenting CLIP


​Comedy and Racial Justice conference at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Tuesday 22nd April.  Hosted by Centre for Comedy Studies Research (CCSR)  BOOK NOW

I am excited to become a Comedy-On-Prescription Ambassador and comedy

provider with Craic.Health working to bring comedy to everyone!

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Quote's about Joy

‘Her comic style certainly makes her one to watch out for’

Daily Mail


‘Spontaneous, eccentric and a true individual’

BBC Home Counties


‘warmed and wowed me’

Arthur Smith Comedian/writer 

The Stage


‘So Brilliant’

Jo Brand. Comedian


‘Joy mines a rich seam of gold in her hilarious stand up material. She is sharp as a pin but she is fluid too’

Lemn Sissay. Broadcaster/poet


‘Her warmth, passion and incredibly high energy levels captured the audience’s imagination’

Dr Sharon Lockyer, Director at Centre for Comedy Studies Research, Brunel University


‘From the second it started we were hooked! We would highly recommend it (Spot the Difference'

Helen Stead, NCF Comedy Festivals


‘An outstanding public speaker who was able to bring a unique combination of warmth, wisdom, personal experience and edgy observational humour to the complex subject of transracial adoption'

Joan Fletcher Head of Social Work, Department of Social, Therapeutic and Community Studies, Goldsmiths University


‘Amazingly funny and talented performer, Joy is also an insightful, compassionate and an inspirational woman – the young people, the children, in fact the whole audience just loved her”

Diane Carrington, Team manager, Virtual School for Looked After Children & Careleavers. City of Westminster


Funny, intriguing, entertaining, respectful, you took the audience on a fluid journey of comedy that made them believe the story was theirs as much as yours’

Philippe Granger, CEO Rushey Green Time bank

Joy's clients include

Clients List for Joy Carter
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